Where Was Obama, Clinton, Sander, Gore And The Misfits In The Cult Of Climate Change In Past Cataclysmic Climate Events.

Every hour of every day I hear some complaint or another about :climate change,” and most specifically how government is needed to save the earth, yet none-not one-of these cultists will answer my simple question: Where were you when the earth and the universe came into existence? As far as I can tell, the earth has survived and recovered from cataclysmic catastrophic events long before the cult of “climate change” (formerly called “global warming” by cultists.
  • First let us examine the term “cult” to determine if “climate change” adherents are actually cultists. A “CULT” is defined as “a religious or social group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices according to wikipedia.i
  • The word "cult" was originally used not to describe a group of religionists, but for the act of worship or religious ceremony. It was first used in the early 17th century, borrowed via the French culte, from Latin cultus (worship). This, in turn, was derived from the adjective cultus (inhabited, cultivated, worshiped), based on the verb colere (care, cultivate).ii
  • According to purported “scientific” allegations, the earth has gone through several major cataclysmic and catastrophic upheavals in history. “About 450 million years ago, the Ordovician-Silurian event caused the death of approximately 85 percent of the life in the Earth's oceans. The BBC states that nearly all life on Earth lived in oceans during this time period. The second cataclysmic event occurred 359 million years ago during the Devonian period. The Devonian mass extinctions are thought to have occurred over the course of millions of years and included several mass extinction events. This event also mostly affected seas and sea life. Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists.
  • According to Wikipedia, the next mass extinction is thought to have killed approximately 96 percent of life on Earth during the Permian mass extinctions, which occurred over the course of millions of years. The Triassic-Jurassic extinctions affected marine life, birds and reptiles, and caused about 50 percent of land and sea animals to become extinct. The dinosaur extinctions occurred during the fifth cataclysmic event on record. During the Cretaceous-Tertiary event, the fifth cataclysm, the Earth was affected by many events that caused extinctions to occur. The final event that prompted mass dinosaur and sea life extinctions was a meteor that hit southern Mexico.iv Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists.
  • That website does not mention what some refer to as a “global catastrophic” event which is alleged to have occurred during the 6th century according to the website “Ancient Origins.”iii According to that site, “There was a sign from the sun, the like of which had never been seen and reported before. The sun became dark and its darkness lasted for 18 months. Each day, it shone for about four hours, and still this light was only a feeble shadow. Everyone declared that the sun would never recover its full light again.” Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists.
  • Since the beginning of recorded history, there have been numerous events that impacted the human existence and the earth repaired itself quite well without any assistance from cultists. In Thera, Greece around 1.600 BC, The eruption of the volcano on the Greek island is thought to have produced up to 40 times the volume of magma than the twentieth- century eruption at Mount St. Helens, destroyed and damaged crops, and been so significant that it could even have altered the global climate. Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists. Such speculation is typical of theorists who actually believe their theories are actual fact but like all theories, that is all it is. Despite their best intentions, no legislation or human effort would have made one iota of difference because the puny efforts of fanatics is just that-puny, meaningless, of none effect.
  • Mount Vesuvius, Italy in AD 79, Mount Vesuvius in Naples, Italy, remains one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, exacerbated by the fact that a population of 3,000,000 live in close proximity. The deadly power of Vesuvius was dramatically demonstrated in AD 79, when a monumental eruption wiped out the Roman cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii, but Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists.
  • Hatepe, New Zealand around AD 180, the Hatepe eruption at New Zealand's Lake Taupo is considered to be one of the largest volcanic eruptions of the last 5,000 years. The lake itself had been formed as a result of the Oruanui eruption, the world's largest known eruption in the last 70,000 years. But while no records can possibly exist of this event, the more recent Hatepe explosion was so huge that it was noted to have turned the sky red in China, and even in Rome. The earth survived and repaired itself quite well without any assistance from climate change cultists like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the misfits in the cult of climate change.
  • Mount Etna, Italy in 1669. Since 1500 BC, more than 150 incidents of lava eruptions have been recorded, and a countless number of smaller eruptions regularly occur at the summit. The largest and most destructive eruption of Mount Etna came in the spring of 1669. An initial earthquake and consequent lava flow signalled the start of the eruption and destroyed or damaged more than 40 towns, leaving between 20,000 and 60,000 people homeless. After three days of serious earthquakes, a 7-mile-long crevice had formed from which torrents of lava flowed. The 65-foot-high city walls of nearby Catania were no match for the lava, and large parts of the city were destroyed. Mankind had spent many years building that wall which fell in less than a day symbolizing the efforts of cultists attempting to control the activity of the earth. Humans spent decades and millions of dollars building the protection from the acts of the earth and the earth snorted at their efforts and destroyed it all within one day. Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the misfits in the cult of climate change?
  • Tambora, Indonesia in 1815, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, erupted with such magnitude that it may have resulted in worldwide climate change. The volume of magma that spewed from the volcano is estimated to be around 24 cubic miles but more importantly, several million tons of sulphur dioxide were emitted into the Earth's atmosphere. The gas quickly turned into a large cloud which encircled the Earth and scattered sulphuric acid droplets in the form of acid rain. It also led to a massive cooling of the entire Earth's surface, and 1816 became known in Europe and America as the “year without a summer,” where snow was recorded falling in New England in June. Despite this, it would be almost 80 years before scientists in the Western world would make a connection between the massive eruption at Tambora, and the worldwide phenomenon of climate change. Notice that the alleged connection between the volcano eruption and the theory of climate change has absolutely nothing to do with any form of human activity and there is absolutely nothing cultists could do to alter that eruption. Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists.
  • Krakatoa, Indonesia in 1883. When Krakatoa erupted in 1883, the noise and the shock waves were recorded around the world. Further, stunningly colorful sunsets and sunrises, and a blue-greening of the sun and moon, were observed across the globe. Like Tambora, the gas and dust emitted into the atmosphere caused the Earth's temperatures to fall, and scientists now finally had the proof they needed to link volcanic eruptions with global climate change. Again, not one single human activity had one itty bitty iota of effect on the issue of climate change but more importantly, the earth repaired itself quite well without ANY EFFORT OR INVOLVEMENT from the insignificant, puny efforts of climate change cultists. Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the misfits in the cult of climate change?
  • Mount Pelée, Martinique in 1902, on the Caribbean island of Martinique has been called the worst volcanic disaster of the twentieth century. More than 30,000 people are thought to have died in this eruption. The volcano had been showing signs of danger for several weeks before the main blast, producing minor earthquakes and the emission of dust and ash into the atmosphere. Many people in the surrounding villages spotted the danger signs and fled to the nearby city of St. Pierre for protection. They could have no idea what was to follow. On the May 8, just over two weeks since the activity began, Mount Pelée erupted in dramatic fashion. A burning pyroclastic lava flow sped toward the city of St. Pierre, reaching it in under a minute, instantly destroying everything in its path. The population of 28,000 had been swollen by the influx of refugees, and almost nobody survived. On May 20 a second eruption of comparable force destroyed anything that had been left of St. Pierre 12 days earlier. Where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? Answer: Nowhere to be found. The earth repaired itself without any insignificant assistance from cultists.
  • Mount St. Helens, Washington 1980, caused economic devastation in the region. In 1978, volcanologists Dwight Crandell and Donald Mullineaux warned that Mount St. Helens, in Washington State, USA, would erupt before the end of the century. On May 18 1980, their prediction came true with horrifying consequences. The disaster began with a large earthquake at 8:32 that morning measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale, and triggering a series of explosions that increased in frequency and intensity. The eruption reached its peak with a violent explosion around 3:50 pm, causing the largest debris avalanche ever recorded to power 14 miles west. On top of this a large cloud of ash rose up to 15 miles into the atmosphere. The combined results of the seismic activity throughout the day devastated the landscape. The environmental cost was one thing, but the human cost was to be even more significant. Moments after the main avalanche, an explosive blast ripped through the area destroying everything in its path, killing 57 people. The indirect “human cost” which was the main tragedy of Mount St. Helens. Aside from the human lives lost, the eruption caused more than $1 billion worth of damage, primarily to the lumber and agricultural industries. Forests, roads, bridges, recreational sites, houses, trails, railways and wildlife habitats were obliterated or damaged. Tourism to the region fell and unemployment rose in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. The economic consequences for a region which supplies lumber and agricultural resources not only to the Pacific Northwest but also to the whole country were huge. Somebody please explain to me how human activity had anything to do with this natural catastrophe and where was Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sander, Al Gore and all the other misfits in the cult of climate change to save the earth from this life threatening damage to all humanity? They were alive when this occurred. What legislation that government could enact would have prevented or curtailed the eruption of Mount St. Helens? Just how could man have prevented this? Most important though is the simple fact that the earth repaired itself WITHOUT ANY CONTRIBUTIONS FROM CULTISTS.
  • My point in this contemptuous article is simple. There is no human activity that can alter the earths climate and the earth, which is alive in a fashion and in a manner humans may never understand, can heal and repair itself without any legislation that the cultists would have government impose on human existence. The desires for governmental legislation is for personal greed, not salvation of humanity because cultists know that there is lots of money to be made in governmental regulations. All who spout “climate change” are simply greedy self serving individuals seeking to enrich themselves off of the efforts of every day Americans because without government, climate change cultists would actually have to get a job.
Cecil Lee Russell


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