Cecil L. Russell for President 2016
Cecil Lee Russell for President 2016
Fear of repercussions is the Greatest of all motivators of men.
"Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it, have never known it again." Ronald Reagan"
Good character is not something we are born with Good Character must be built through proper Thought, Choice, Courage, and Determination. A strong man will stand up for what he believes in..." Unknown
REMEMBER PEOPLE!!! "... the American ruling class..." (i.e. elected politicians and appointed bureaucrats) "...no longer considers itself to be American or even wants its own nation to survive. The elitists that run the United States have "revolted" against their own country, and through mass immigration, "globalization," the erosion of national sovereignty and free trade are consciously managing the disintegration of their own country even as they enhance their own power and wealth." - Sam Francis
“It is better to be violent if there is violence is in our heart, than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence; [cowardice].” Gandhi
"It is time that We The People take a stand against the enemies of the United States and the Constitution, both foreign and domestic." Cecil Lee Russell
To All Concerned Americans:
My name is Cecil Lee Russell. I am just an average Conservative American citizen, independent of political party affiliation, who is absolutely fed up of the "BOVINE DEFECATION" coming out of Washington D.C.
You and I have watched our nation decimated and divided by career Politicians and activist Judges, [of both party’s,] who seek not to better America as a whole but rather, only to advance themselves or their personal agenda, politically and/or financially, at the expense of the nation and her people.
While this broad and general statement is indicative of many, it is not to be interpreted as all encompassing; and yet, with each passing election, I have seen and heard candidates make promises that they are the champions of American liberties and freedoms or that they are dedicated to protecting Americans from enemies. With each passing election, our freedoms and liberties are eroded increasingly more as these politicians lead America into a elitist police state.
How am I different?
First; I know personally and intimately the sting of the heavy hand of a government out of control. A government and judiciary in which mere allegations become the evidence and the life of an innocent citizen has no value. A government that has no regard for the damages it does to its own citizens. Texas has such a government.
Second: While I was incarcerated for a crime that never occurred, (being the fabrication of the Amarillo Police Department, I spent nearly 8 years studying American Constitutional and Criminal Law; Reading and researching the actual meaning and intent of the Declaration of Independence; The United States Constitution and Criminal law. In this study, I became aware of the innumerable violations of the Constitution by politicians, judges, police, prosecutors-even the local "dog catcher."
All of Americas' foundering fathers had one unifying ideology in mind when they set about creating a new country and that was to develop a government where the politicians and those in positions of power were strictly controlled and restrained in their activities. I discovered that the United States Constitution was not written to keep the British government in check. The United States Constitution was not written to determine what privileges the government might or might not grant us. The United States Constitution was written expressly for one purpose only!!!
The United States Constitution is a list of restrictions placed on the government; (i.e. the elected and appointed politicians) because the founders knew what would happen to later generations of Americans if the politicians were not restrained. The U.S. Constitution is silent on a great many issues but where it is silent, it is clearly indicated that these issues are reserved to the States respectively per the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Thus issues such as the death penalty, entitlements,marriage and homosexual rights are outside the jurisdiction of the Federal government and Federal Courts.
Third; Our Nation is under attack! While President Bush and President Obama have attempted to address this issue to the very "best of their abilities", neither of these career politicians has the internal fortitude nor the personal character requirements to set the example needed to bring abject fear into the hearts and minds of the all enemies of this Nation, foreign and domestic, that The President must demonstrate if America is to avoid further attacks on her citizens.
The President alone has to do this and no other Officer will suffice.
Only when the President of our Nation stands before the world and personally executes the enemies of our Nation, will those enemies fear and tremble at the name of “America and her President.” The concept of peace through strength is THE ONLY possible way any nation in this world at any time, will ever truly have peace.
Fourth and most important. No President since President Reagan has entered the Office with a clearly established Plan of action. The single thing that separates the poor from wealth is a plan. A plan for their lives and a plan for their money. The following is my statement of beliefs followed by my plan of action.
- It is my belief and political position that America and Americans must be put first in all things.
- I believe in Conservatism with all my mind, heart and soul.
- I believe that ONLY through strict fiscal Conservatism can America get out of debt and rebuild her economy.
- I believe in Individualism; Freedom and personal liberty; The American Dream and the right of all citizens to seek fulfillment of that dream; Fiscal Stewardship, Constitutional "Rule of Law", Peace in our time and part of that peace is the right to protect yourself, your family and your property.
- I believe that the United States Constitution is the Supreme law of the land. The intent and meaning of the Founders for the Constitution was declared in the Declaration of Independence.
- I believe that any law passed by Congress or any ruling ordered by a Court which are conflicting to the United States Constitution, is Null and Void and the President MUST be prepared at all times to make a stand against government and for the people that elected the President for He/She is elected to represent We The People at all times.
- I believe that Elitist Politicians, Activist Judges and career bureaucrats are America's only unrestrained domestic problem.
- I believe many issues such as entitlements, homosexual rights and the death penalty are State issues outside the jurisdiction of the Federal government except where the State violates protections from governmental abuses of power specified in the Constitution.
- I believe that the President is required by the Constitution of the United States to use the authority of the Office of the President to insure that the individual States allow the citizens of that State to decide for themselves what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in the public forum.
- While I believe in the unity of the United States as a country, the Federal politicians, bureaucrats, activist judges and liberal lawyers have made the Federal arena an enemy of the people.
- I believe that the economic power of America rests in the individual entrepreneur and America business, however, American history shows that business owners frequently disregards the rights of the individual worker and this tendency demands that there must be some form of employee protection from unscrupulous business operations.
- I believe that the rights to life of the unborn IS A REQUIRED protection of the United States government. The Declaration Of Independence indicates that the Constitution is created to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; in that order. I believe that an unborn child is as much an American citizen as any child born to an illegal alien and as such, the unborn has a constitutionally protected right to life. I am opposed to the unconstitutional ruling of Roe v Wade and I WILL have this ruling vacated.
- I believe that the U.S. Constitution clearly provides that citizens have the right to keep and bear firearms. I am not opposed to this right being restored to any citizen previously convicted of a felony providing that such person demonstrates a clear and convincing history of being a responsible citizen. Again; This is a State issue and does not reach to Federal jurisdiction. As President, I will stand on the side of weapons ownership by All Citizens of these United States and I will reverse the policy of the past 5 Administrations of not enforcing the existing Federal gun laws: But I will not interfere with any State's laws and rules governing weapons ownership by it's citizens.
- While I am personally opposed to homosexuality in any form, and will not knowingly employ a homosexual to my staff irregardless of any existing Federal statute, I believe that homosexuals have rights to privacy within the confines of the home that is protected by the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, but that protection to privacy disappears once the homosexual enters into in the public jurisdiction. State prohibitions on public displays of homosexuality are lawful. Witch hunts are not, however, once again, this issue is a STATE matter that does not reach to Federal Jurisdiction. The United States Constitution DOES NOT provide any “right” to homosexual behavior nor does the United States Constitution prohibit any State legislation regulating or prohibiting such conduct.
- I believe that maintaining the environment must be a priority; however, protection of the environment should not be at the expense of the American economy. It is my belief and goal to institute policy that provides protection of the environment without jeopardizing the economy. I have access to much technology capable of purging the air and water of pollutants which technology has been ignored by Politicians. I will not be misled by fanatics and zealots: {chicken little’s} who clamor at every wind about the end of the earth. I do not subscribe to the nonsense of “global warming.” I have examined much available evidence concerning climate change and I find much “scientific evidence” used to support the belief of “climate change” is clearly fraudulent. It is my official position that climate change is natural and cyclic. That does mean that we as Conservators of the land and the earth, are prevented from doing what we can do to keep the land and the earth clean. The environment is one of my 6 positions and I will be open to ideas which help reduce pollution and garbage.
- I believe that by enacting a consumption tax; a National Sales Tax, the poor and lower income earners are relieved of the overbearing tax burden and thus can save and invest money without fear of governmental confiscation and all Americans who seek to hide ill-gotten monetary gains will pay an equal tax burden. A flat rate Federal tax will bring in far more in revenues than the existing combined Federal tax structure. Fortunately for America, We can easily re-establish the existing tax rate if the flat tax does not work.
- I believe that IF the protections of the United States Constitution that have been degraded and reversed by an activist U.S. Supreme Court are not soon restored, the malevolence of Socialism as currently sought to be imposed by the Democrat Party will overtake us and the bureaucrats will destroy America.
- I believe that it is the sworn obligation of the President of the United States to uphold, defend and protect the United States Constitution even against an activist Supreme Court Justice. Because of my knowledge of the United States Constitution and of criminal law, I can say that if I were elected today, at least 5 United States Supreme Court Justices would be arrested and imprisoned for Over-reaching and violation of the separation of powers.
- I believe that our single and primary domestic problem rest solely in the person of professional politician who have established themselves as America’s aristocracy; and I believe that these professional politicians exhibit conduct which implies that they have ascertained themselves to be “above” the rest of us, and not subject to the same laws, restrictions and responsibilities as every day Americans.
- I believe that in this present day and age, given the vast number of persons in the collective “media” who knowingly and intentionally, misrepresent facts and distort “news,” all media persons should be required to be licensed and be required to pass an licensing exam similar to that of attorneys, and persons in the media so licensed who intentionally misrepresent facts and issues in the news ought to be held criminally accountable.
- While I believe strongly in the death penalty; I believe equally that State Courts have shown repeatedly, an inability to discern between innocence or guilt. I remain convinced that the death penalty is a deterrent to violent crime, however, I also believe that Court Officials should be held accountable for the trial and conviction of an innocent person where it can be shown, as in my own case, Court Officials knowingly convicted an innocent American. I believe that such a Court Official who receives such a conviction ought and should receive a mandatory life sentence in prison with no parole available before 20 years shall have been served without accreditation of “good time.”
I will make it my personal business to locate innocent people throughout America's prisons. I am not the liberal bleeding heart that many would like to believe and each MUST PROVE his/her case.
My primary objects and Plan as President are these:
[A] Get America out of debt. This can be accomplished within 4 years.
[B] Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, the enemies of the United States Constitution both foreign and domestic:
[C] Provide every iota of protection and support available to the United States Government for Americans and America’s finest, who are serving valiantly each and every day; both at home and abroad:
[D] Rebuild every American Public School to the highest standard of educational performance in the world and to establish a curriculum that instructs America’s next generation in everything needed to make knowledgeable choices in life:
[E] Clean up the environment without interfering with Americas' productivity:
[F] Destroy the Muslim terrorist apparatus.
[A] Get America out of debt!
The National Economy:
[It is a well known fact that any action taken by the government which results in an increase in fees, taxes, or governmental revenues of any sort, acts to slow the economy; while reducing governmental taxation results in more money in circulation and that correspondingly results in a stronger economy.It is my intention to cut as much Federal spending and entitlement programs that is not directly related to the safety, security or well being of America and Americans as I can and seek legislation that severely limits the amount and ability of all branches of the United States Government and especially the Office of the President, to spend what is not there to spend! This money will be re-directed into areas that are actually important to internal American interests.]Fuel has become a necessity in America. I will seek legislation to have all forms of transportation fuel and home heating oil declared as a National necessity and made tax exempt at all governmental levels. I will issue an Executive Order suspending the collection of the Federal fuel tax on school systems, police and other emergency responders as a means of expanding their budgets until I can successfully get ALL Federal taxes suspended.
I will require all Federal Politicians, Offices and Agencies to streamline their excessive spending and to cut 20% of their budget to help pay the Federal deficit that they helped to create.
I will immediately seek to repeal the existing law[s] making politicians exempt from paying Federal taxes by requiring all governmental officials to pay into the Social Security and Medicare program. If necessary, I will seek American voter support to oust any Federal politician who seeks to impede this act.
Moreover; I will seek to end the lifetime retirement Benefits of elected Federal officials. Individual citizens who do not pay into unemployment programs are not eligible for unemployment or who do not pay into a retirement fund are not eligible to receive retirement benefits; It then follows that Politicians who do not pay into Social Security, retirement programs or other Federal programs should not receive these benefits. Additionally; I will seek to limit the use of Secret Service to protect the former Presidents of the United States after the end of their term to 4 years.
I will diligently seek alternative methods of providing inexpensive energy for America and provide Federal incentives to those who have ideas and/or designs on alternative fuels but I will not do this at the expense of the existing need for fossil fuels. I will open restricted drilling areas to American companies with the strict requirement of keeping the surrounding environment as clear from the effects of drilling as possible AND all drill sites MUST be restored to as close to original condition as is humanly possible.Meanwhile, because fossil fuel is the source of Americans economic strength, I will use every iota of Presidential Power to cause fuel to be as inexpensive and as plentiful as I can get it.
I will immediately order the Presidential salary cut by 25% and the amount cut from the Presidential salary will be the first money placed in a new interest bearing National Savings Account that I have elected to call "The National Deficit Savings Account." This Account has only 1 purpose which is to pay off the entire National Deficit.
I will seek to initiate a national consumption tax.
I will actively seek legislation to discontinue collecting Federal taxes on overtime pay.
The National Deficit:
I will seek the repeal all Federal-spending programs that are non-essential for the safety and security of the United States, its citizens, and its economy. I am committed to having the American National Deficit paid in full within 5 years. Despite the fact that America is the richest and most powerful nation on earth, America has 1 in 5 children going to bed hungry at night. All non-essential foreign aid will be cut off until America has solved her internal problems. This will include all foreign aid and most I.R.S. operating funding.
I will seek to enact a Federal Law or U.S. Constitutional Amendment limiting the Federal government to spending only 90% of the total collected taxes from the previous year.
Moreover, I am a staunch support of a Nationalized Consumption tax. This means that NO taxes will be taken from any personal income until you choose to make a purchase. This consumption tax will not include food for humans or animals; rents; or medicines or medical procedures.
By switching to a Consumption tax, all of the taxes not collected from those who are traffickers in narcotics or other methods of accruing monies without paying taxes will now be required to pay their equal share making the availability of adequate funding increased. By REQUIRING Fiscal Responsibility in our government, At All Levels, America can be completely out of debt in a relatively short period of time and collectively, We The People, can join Dave Ramsey in loudly declaring We’re Debt Free!!!
I will alter the line item on income tax returns asking for contributions for the Presidential Re-Election to asking for donations to pay off the Federal Deficit.
[B] Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, the enemies of the United States Constitution both foreign and domestic:
I am Pledged to restore the United States Constitution to its full authority and scope that has been systematically decimated by activist Judges under the guise of fighting a war on drugs. To accomplish this means We Must devise a different approach to drug usage. The present “War On Drugs” Does Not Work and as never work and far more important, the current war on drugs is draining the National economy at an enormous rate.
I am far more sensitive than most Americans, to being falsely accused and falsely convicted of offenses that, as in my own case, never occurred. America’s law Enforcement can count on me to act expediently on behalf of ALL falsely accused and convicted Americans Law Enforcement Officers. Additionally, where the convicting Court acted outside the law or jurisdiction, I will have no problem prosecuting to the fullest extent of the law, these out of control these activist Prosecutors and Judges.
I will seek a law requiring the death penalty for the conviction of kidnapping Americans.
I will seek an increase in the penalty for sexual assault to death and I will also seek legislation which includes a clause requiring the penalty of death for any person who commits the crime of perjury to cause the conviction of an innocent person for the offense of sexual assault. In the event that any governmental official knowingly participates in the false arrest, prosecution and/or conviction of an innocent person for the crime of sexual assault, that government official shall receive, upon the conviction of guilt, a mandatory penalty of life in prison with no parole eligibility before serving 20 years without accreditation of good time.
I will seek an increase of the penalty of child molestation death at the discretion of the Legislative body of the convicting State.
I would like to seek an increase in the penalty of possession of child pornography to life in prison with parole eligibility at the discretion of the Legislative body of the convicting State. However, I am consciously aware of the ease by which an innocent person can be framed for this offense by other person, and especially those in position of authority.
I will seek to have a Federal law passed making the penalty on a conviction of a crime committed by a government official the mandatory maximum penalty available by law. Given the dismal record of prosecutorial, judicial and law enforcement abuse of the justice system, I will use all Executive power available to induce Congress to make the allegation of innocence a mandatory actionable ground of error at any later time.
I will restore the Writ of Habeas Corpus to its previous status.
I will seek to allow every possible scientific procedure known to science allowable to the defense of a criminal prosecution. Furthermore, I will seek to cause a criminal defense and a prosecution team identical funding. I believe that this can be accomplished by utilizing the McFarland plan in which all Punitive Damages from all civil suits, State or Federal is used to offset the cost of criminal defense trials.
Law Enforcement Assistance:
In recent years, numerous law enforcement personnel have been murdered in the line of duty and the perpetrator has escape justice by absconding to other countries where that jurisdiction and government will not allow the extradition of these criminals to a country which can impose the penalty of death for that crime. I pledge to Americas' Police that I will apprehend those criminals and see that they stand trial in the appropriate jurisdiction and if hindered, I will bring Federal sanctions against the offending nation(s).
Like service in the military, service to the community in the form of volunteering to become a law enforcement officer or and fire fighter is relatively a thankless job. Since I know of no other way for the government and the people of the America to say thank you for a job well done, I Pledge to America's Police and Firefighters to make law enforcement personnel and firefighters federally tax exempt. {Any American who places his or her life in jeopardy as a matter of their employment is included in this Pledge.}
I will secure the borders of America and I will cause the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard to have the equipment and the funding that they need.
I will find the illegal aliens in America and each will be sent back to their native country. A second arrest will result in a prison sentence of 20 years in prison.
Find the Missing American Men, Women & Children:
Every year hundreds of American men, women and children are kidnapped and never seen again. I pledge to utilize all available American Intelligence apparatus to systematically watch the world for kidnapped Americans and to use all Federal power available to rescue and return these forgotten Americans.
I will utilize the ability of American citizens such as John Walsh and his Americas Most Wanted Program and Wal-Mart to assist in the location and restoration of kidnapped American women and children.
I will restrict availability of pornography by children by re-enacting the Online Child Protection Act and if necessary, I will arrest and hold incarcerated, under the Patriot Act, any Judicial Official who attempts to overturn this act. Because of My knowledge of the United States Constitution, I am aware of Constitutional priorities.
[C] Provide every iota of protection and support available to the United States Government for America’s finest; serving valiantly each and every day; both at home and abroad:
The American Military:
I will provide all active duty military personnel in foreign placements with the best state of the art body protection and technologically advanced weapons.
I will seek to make all active duty Military personnel Federal tax exempt throughout their service career.
I will seek to make all Military combat veterans Federal tax exempt for the remainder of their life and this law will be made applicable and retroactive to all Veterans.
I will remove American troops from non-essential foreign placements.
I will seek to institute a 180 day cycle for active duty military in foreign placements and in combat assignment, so that the soldier serving our Nation in combat can spend time with their families .
I will impose a permanent ban on the sale of military weaponry or of military technology to non-friendly foreign nations, nations known to provide support for terrorist activities or traffic with nations hostile to America.
I will cause America’s military veterans to receive the same quality of medical care provided to the United States Congress and I thank all members of Congress for their diligent care and concern for our Veterans.
I will institute a program that provides Military transport and accommodations for immediate family members of seriously wounded soldiers who cannot be transported home even if this means using Air Force 1 and 2.
I intend to provide the United States military with the same annual cost of living increase that Congress has awarded themselves with, which combined with the initiation of a No Federal tax policy, will provide our military with adequate salary increases.
Homeland Security:
I Will Win the War On Terrorism:
My first priority in the war on terrorism is to win it as quickly as possible: I will issue an Executive Order to the existing Intelligence agencies to use all available resources to find Osama Bin Laden and his chief lieutenants and if at all possible, bring him/them to America to stand trial. Mr. Bin Laden will serve as the focal point to the terrorist network of the change in guard and the seriousness and determination with which I will bring to this “war.”
I will use every avenue available to the President to bring to an end to the terrorist threat against the United States by addressing the fundamental causes of terrorism. It is my experience that to win the war on terrorism; America, and more importantly, the American President must be spoken of and thought of by the enemy with abject fear. As an initial example to terrorist supporting nations, I will personally execute terrorists, publicly and displayed live on the Internet.
Border Security:
I will secure American borders and provide increased funding, employment, and training to the Border Patrol and Coast Guard. It is well established that the terrorists who attacked America on September 11, 2001 were able to accomplish this by means of the weak border policies of the existing political parties, both Republican and Democrat.
I will establish a solid line of border security to apprehend those who seek to cross into America illegally.
I will decrease the number of immigrants allowed into the United States and refine entrance requirements to only those who are craftsmen or women which policy is the same as that of our southern neighbor.
Many terrorist supporting countries do business with American companies through loopholes in American law. I will identify these companies and will alert American investors of this trafficking. Moreover, I will block all such international business and provide severe penalties for American companies involved.
I will find the funding to upgrade the 911 program which is the first line of information in any form of attack.
I will seek to replace all Coast Guard ships with state of the art equipment and technology. America’s Coast Guard is a significant part of the Homeland first line of defense.
I will seek to have each and every State or Federal Legislator who actively prohibits legislation from being voted on by any State Legislature, imprisoned indefinitely and charged at the Administrations leisure which act has precedence in the President Bush’s Administration.[D] Rebuild every American Public School to the highest standard of educational performance in the world:I will rebuild all public school buildings to provide American children with the best education system in the world. I intend to restructure all public education systems into the best educational system in the world by instituting curriculum that reflects real life: Education training in Real Estate; Investments; Taxes; Insurance; Health Care Planning; Career Planning; Financial Management; Child Care; Physical Fitness; The safe and proper motor vehicle operations, etc. The financing for this will come from reduction in foreign aid, the termination of non-essential Federal programs and if necessary, from reducing the salaries of politicians beginning with the Presidential Salary.
I will terminate the availability of free education for illegal aliens.
I will remove ALL "junk" food and drinks from all public schools.
I will require that all children in public schools participate in physical activity made available by including classes in martial arts, bodybuilding, aerobics, dance and sports! The more physical activity our children participate in, the stronger and healthier our children become. Moreover, even those children who are considered physically handicapped can benefit tremendously from the rewards of physical activity.
[E] Clean up the environment without interfering with Americas productivity:
Pollution Solid Waste:
I will develop an environmentally sound procedure to eliminate solid waste. Develop a procedure to utilize the waste residue productively. Provide inmate labor with an equitable wage that will allow the saving of monies for release, paying fines, paying restitution, and where applicable, allow for a modicum of child support.
I will use the solid waste of the American landfills to construct foundation materials and coverings for all Federal highways existing within areas of temperatures of heat and cold that act to degrade the materials used to construct highways.
I will use prison inmate labor to go through the forests in America where wildfires are common to remove the dead underbrush, piling said brush in secured areas and making such freely available to any who can make use of such. I will also use prison inmate labor to replant the deforested areas where logging and wildfire has removed the natural protection of trees.
I will seek to find constructive methods of ridding America of solid waste pollution.
Pollution / Air:
I will utilize American technology to develop the devices that can remove pollution for the air. This device was developed in the early 1990’s. Modify this clean air technology to remove the pollutants from the exhaust emissions of oil refineries in order that more refineries might be activated.
Nuclear Materials & Nuclear Waste:
I believe that it is in the best interest of the United States to create a secure corridor around all American nuclear materials. I will examine the issue of removing control of movement around these Nuclear materials from civilian personnel and replacing these with active duty and properly trained military personnel.
I will work to rid the world of nuclear materials capable of creating nuclear weapons by withdrawing American aid and support to any nation(s) that are experimenting with nuclear capability. I will cause to be built, a platform in space capable of storing American nuclear waste materials and when full, cause to have it placed out to the farthermost planet for storage or if feasible, launch the platform into the sun for incinerate. I note that I have found NO information regarding what the repercussions to this act may cause. Any nation may cooperate in this program.
Health Care:
I will Re-structure Medi-Care to provide no cost health care and medication for seniors or those on Social Security. I will require all health care providers to provide American citizens with the same level of health care that the members of the United States Congress receives.
Highway & Transportation:
I believe that the best method by which to decrease highway traffic accidents is through education. I will seek private funding programs to assist in the funding of providing all applicable American children with exposure and experience in the operating of all vehicles that travel American highways daily.I will seek legislation that requires all Federal highways to be constructed using the best grade of materials available.
Social Security:
I will repair the damage done to the Social Security program by establishing an actual social security account to hold those funds withheld from American citizens. I believe that Social Security can be protected best by investing these funds into U.S. Savings Bonds with the return Federal tax exempt.
I will establish a Federal Block on the use of social security funding for anything other than social security with a criminal penalty of (30) thirty years in a maximum security Federal prison for the conviction of the attempt or actual misuse of social security funds by any politician or political appointee.
I will seek to have all Social Security payments made Federal tax exempt.
Provide Federal Assistance For After Hours Child Care For Low Income Families:
There exists in America, many worthwhile areas in which governmental assistance is vitally needed, It is my position that Americans and the needs of America must be placed first in all things. I intent to find the Federal funding with which to assist the Boys and Girls Clubs Of America and Big Brothers/Big Sisters Organizations to provide after hours child care for low income working parents. These programs will include severe criminal penalties for falsely applying for assistance.
Homosexual Unions/Marriagea)
I believe that to sanction and approve homosexual marriages or unions, would be to also sanction and approve polygamy, incest, bestiality, and any other perversion. Anti-Discrimination laws would eventually be called upon by the homosexual lobby to prevent the government from prohibiting a ban on any other forms of perversion, including marriage between direct relatives and sex with children or child pornography. I do not approve of homosexuality and will not knowingly employ a homosexual in my administration.Because this is a moral responsibility, it then follows that it is also the governments' responsibility to provide for social sigma and penalties for the violation of this moral and all other moral issues. It is my position that the conduct of an adult is not the business of the government to regulate when such conduct is within the confines of the home, however, when that conduct is made public, then that public display becomes subject to the jurisdiction of the United States or individual State governments. Thus homosexual acts between consenting adults is protected under the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution when such conduct is within the confines of the home, while open displays of homosexuality in public are not so protected.
Stem Cell Research:
I believe that stem cell research may provide some medical benefit in the future however, I do not and will not endorse the use of embryonic stem cells when there are so many other sources of stem cells. Moreover, I will use All Available Federal Authority the President may possess to inhibit and if possible, prevent the use of embryonic stem cells.
Election Day a Federal Holiday:
I intend to advocate to make the Federal Election Day a paid Federal holiday for those who participate in the election. This paid time off will be applicable only to those who participate in the voting process and will be tax deductible by the employer whose employee can provide evidence of participation. This Holiday is ONLY during the election cycle for the United States Presidential election.
Enhancing the American Space Program:
The American space program has reached the point that it can be a self sustaining business enterprise. It is my intention to open space to those business concerns capable of entering the arena of the mining of the nearby planets and the asteroid belt...
When I was a liberal democrat, I thought nothing was wrong when I committed crimes against my fellow American; it wasn’t my fault, my parents were to blame! Somewhere in my life, about the time I began to realize what the teachings of Christianity truly meant, I also came to realize that my life is what I choose to make it to be and that I, and I alone, am responsible for the direction I choose to go.
If I am overweight, I choose what I eat; If I choose to smoke, I choose to risk developing lung cancer; If I choose not to seek out a better opportunity for myself and my family, I make the choice to be poor. If I become rich, it is because I choose to work hard and diligently so that I may become rich. Having been raised a liberal Democrat, I believed the standard party doctrine that the problems I suffer in life are caused by someone else; but somewhere in my life, reality open my eyes. I now choose the Conservative ideology.
I have examined each of the current problems that exist in America. I am equally concerned about the economy and the environment; America's security and our individual liberties. I believe that I can promote and protect all without sacrificing any!!!
There is only one clear and concise method by which to respond to the issue of terrorism and that is for the President to publicly execute, swiftly, terrorists who can clearly be proven guilty. As President I must respect the Sovereignty of all other nations but, where I am given permission, I will use every power available to the United States to find and destroy enemies of the United States. I will respond swiftly to each crisis and each attack against Americans.
I make this one promise to America. The individuals who caused the economic crisis of 2008-2009 will be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable under the existing law.
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